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Zeit Online | The portal for Germany's largest-circulation broadsheet

Editorial Abstract

Award winning website, utilized by Apple Computer in its iPhone and iPad TV advertising in Germany, and GoogleNews has integrated Zeit Online to supply their users with quality journalism - Zeit Online is one of nine websites (out of the 750 AGOF eligible sites) along with iq digital's Handelsblatt.com.

The 9 daily updated sections at Zeit Online provide users with a direct line to a premium target group that is unmatched anywhere in the market. Zeit Online is in tune with the latest trends and developments.

In May 2014 ZEITmagazin Online launched as the digital counterpart to the internationally renowned magazine.


The portal for Germany's largest circulation broadsheet

Page Impressions (PIs)

98.7 million (IVW, April 2016)

Unique Users

6.82 million (AGOF Internet facts 2016-02)


Follow this link to visit
Zeit Online
... www.zeit.de


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